REGISTRATION: Open to all ages. Under 18 must have signed parental/guardian permission. We require at least 3 sets of contestants, and a maximum of 10. Race will be teams of 2.
THE RACE: Teams will determine who will run first and who will run second. The first runner will be at the start/finish line. The second runner will be at opposite end of the course. Following the “Go” signal, the first runner will unwrap and eat a hotdog & bun, then carry a second wrapped hotdog & bun to their teammate. The Second Runner will then need to eat the hotdog from their partner and race back to the finish line. HOTDOGS MUST BE COMPLETELY CONSUMED prior to running! Runners cannot run with their mouths full.
First team to completely eat their hotdogs and get across the finish line wins. Teams not finishing their hotdogs before running will be disqualified.
Winning team each receives a choice of shaved ice or beverage from teds Snack + Bar, (up to $7.50 +tax)
REGISTRATION: Open to all ages. Under 18 must have signed parental/guardian permission. We require at least 3 sets of contestants, and a maximum of 10. Race teams will consist of 1 runner and 1 dog.
THE RACE: Following the “Go” signal, the runner must unwrap and eat a hotdog & bun, as well as feed a hotdog (no bun) to their dog. Once the dog and runner have completely consumed the hotdog/hotdog + bun, both dog and runner will race to the finish line. HOTDOGS MUST BE COMPLETELY CONSUMED prior to running! Runners cannot run with their mouths full! (Dogs either.)
First team to completely eat their hotdogs and get across the finish line wins. Teams not finishing their hotdogs before running will be disqualified.
Winning runner receives a choice of shaved ice or beverage from teds Snack + Bar, (up to $7.50 +tax)
REGISTRATION: Open to all ages. Under 18 must have signed parental/guardian permission. We require at least 3 sets of contestants, and a maximum of 10.
THE RACE: Contestants will place hotdog bun on their spoon and race to the finish line! If the bun falls off, contestants must stop and replace the bun. Racers may not advance without the bun balanced on the spoon.
First contestant to cross the finish line with their bun balanced on the spoon wins. Contestants must cross with the entire bun. Buns may be broken, but must still be the whole bun! Buns must be balanced on the spoon and may NOT be speared or otherwise affixed to the spoon.
Winning racer receives a choice of FREE SHAVED ICE (any size)!