REGISTRATION: Must be 18 years of age to enter (16-17 years old can enter with signed parental/guardian permission). Entries must be received by 11:59pm on FRIDAY, September 22. Under 18 will be required to have parent or legal guardian with them to sign permission and remain throughout the competition. We require at least 6 contestants to host the competition, and a maximum of 20.

Contestants may not touch hot dogs until the starting signal.

Only entire hot dogs (including bun) will be counted.

Contestants will have 5 minutes to down as many hot dogs and buns as possible. Contestants may drink any beverage of their choice (non-alcoholic) while eating their hot dogs. Water will be provided. Buns and hot dogs may be separated, dunked or mangled. Condiments may be added (not provided). All portions of the hot dog (including bun) must be eaten to count. Anyone deemed to be making an excessive mess or otherwise trying to obscure the amount eaten will first be provided a warning. A second warning will result in disqualification.

When the 5 minute time limit is up contestants may not put any additional hot dog or bun, whole or partial, in their mouths. They will have 15 seconds to swallow what is in their mouths. Any contents remaining in contestant’s mouths at the end of 15 seconds will not be counted. Partially eaten hot dogs will not be counted.

If any contestant or contestants completely consumes 25 hot dogs and buns before the 5 minutes is up, the first to finish will be declared the winner.

Vomiting or visible signs of sickness will result in disqualification.

Ties will be decided by an “eat off”. Contestants will be given 15 minutes to rest, and then will compete to finish 5 hotdogs in the shortest amount of time.

Winners will be decided by a panel of judges. Judges decisions are final.


REGISTRATION: Must be 15 years of age or younger, with signed parental/guardian permission. Entries may be received up to 1pm on SATURDAY, September 23. We require at least 4 registered competitors to host the competition, and a maximum of 10.

Rules are the same as the open division, except:
If any contestant or contestants completely consumes 12 hot dogs and buns before the 5 minutes is up, the first to finish will be declared the winner.

Ties will be decided by an “eat off”. Contestants will be given 15 minutes to rest, and then will compete to finish 3 hotdogs in the shortest amount of time.